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What is Basecamp?

Basecamp is an online collaboration tool that SEL uses to keep the project organized, for tracking to-do's, deliverables, schedule milestones and assigning responsibilities. Members of the team at your company log in using email and a password, using the secure website. You can respond to the emails generated by the website by just replying through email and it will be posted to the website, or better, log onto the website to get the overall perspective.

Tips for Using Basecamp

To-Do Lists is where SEL spends most of its efforts, and the To-Dos generally follow the flow of a typical compliance project, from initially identifying the scope of work, to reviewing the product at the beginning, to sample prep, to testing, to submittal to the agencies, to final factory production. Each To-Do can be commented on by clicking on it. Files relevant to the To-Do should be posted under that particular item, by attaching files with a click or dragging files to the field (large files are okay!).


An example of an order of events would be “Manual” as a default To-Do, where you would post your draft manual under that To-Do; SEL would review, redline and re-post the redline and associated files, and then you would post your manual with those needed changes; when the manual complies, we check the To-Do off as completed, and it drops out of the way but is still accessible if needed. In the process, you and SEL can pass the assigned person back and forth, so SEL would assign you as the responsible party if SEL just posted its redline, as we are waiting for the update back from you. We tend to organize of feedback section with the more important items at the top, and then down to the less important or urgent. 


A tip on To-Dos is to keep the thread on the title’s topic, and the more specific they are, the faster we can check off the To-Dos. For example, if we are working under the Manual To-Do, adding questions about the Labels would be (1) hard to find later since it is under Manuals and (2) not allow us to complete the Manual efforts until the label issues are also resolved. You can always add a new item, and assign it to SEL (or someone at your company).


If the thread has evolved to have one remaining outstanding item, it can be a good idea to change the name of the To-Do to include that particular.


You can always visibly filter the To-Dos to show only those that you have been identified as responsible for, to keep an eye on your deliverables; you can see all of your items across multiple projects, as well.

  • Latest project updates section is helpful if you want to see a chronological list of what has been done, with the newest on top. Essentially you can always see what was last done. Or just click on the "Catch up" link for the latest.

  • Search field can be used to do a global search across the project or multiple projects, if you are having a hard time tracking something down.

  • Files section is helpful if you or SEL posted a file somewhere, but you don’t remember the topic, and want to just find the file. If you post files anywhere in the site, they will automatically be shown here, so please keep the files under their relevant To-Dos and do not post directly to the Files tab. It is a good idea to make the file names clear about what the file is about, as opposed to leaving arbitrary numbers (IMG2001) assigned by the camera.

  • Events (Calendar) section is used mostly to give a general sense of the sequence of events as a calendar. So once a completed package is turned into the safety agency, then we’d have a good idea of the completion date for the agency, which gets more resolution as we discuss the submittal with the agency engineer. On the calendar, a person can be reminded of the event such as a deliverable. If a date is assigned on the To Do's, it will appear on the Events view. You can discuss the event on the calendar too, and drag around dates as they change.

  • Apps are available for common mobile platforms such as Apple IOS and Android.

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 2370D Qume Drive, San Jose, California 95131-1842 U.S.A.

Tel. (408) 544-1890

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